Adrienne Vanterpool

Faith Over Fear: Growing Concerns


What we’re about

Anyone may join our group. During these troubled times, many of us are suffering spiritually, mentally, and physically. Our primary purpose is to explore mind-body techniques of self-help and self-healing. The group offers a private virtual meeting space where our voices can be heard. Let’s come together, to hear, listen, understand, comprehend, gain acceptance, and be present. We have a voice, you have a voice, let it be heard. The silence is deafening it can not, however, drown out our ongoing thought processes. Be silent no more, speak your truth.

Peninsula Interfaith Counseling Center for Women


Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. “Charles R. Swindoll”

Faith and fear are formed in our perception, both have a physical impact on our health and how we respond to current events.

JOIN US: Every 3rd Saturday from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM EST

Faith and fear are formless concepts yet both define who we are and what actions we take. We will explore together how to replace fear with faith on a much deeper level.

Please complete our online registration form by clicking the link below:

Take advantage of our special offer NOW. The online workshops were $125.00. We have reduced the registration fee to $5.00 per person due to our current economic crisis and COVID-19. Our registration fee covers the cost of our virtual meeting space on ZOOM.


Online registration offers you the ability to pay by credit upon registration. This is a secure site.

Registration fees are also accepted on Cash App, click the link below:$AVMcashfund

**Once we have received your completed registration form and payment in full you will receive a confirmation email that will include our ZOOM meeting room information and password.

Online event

To register, please complete the form below, thanks.

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